Functional Nutrition

Functional nutrition is the holistic evaluation of a persons health encompassing nutrition, lifestyle, health history, physical exam, and diet to determine nutritional deficiencies driving a problem in the body. By supporting the body through nutrition the body changes in a positive manner and conditions may reduce or be eliminated.

This consists of a 30 min office visit, detailed history of the problem, focused physical exam, System Survey evaluation, blood labs if necessary, and food diary. A follow up is completed where a nutrition report and plan is presented. The plan will then be executed with a follow up at 2 and 4 weeks. Typical care plans are 3+ months long.

Many people are sick with chronic diseases and the traditional medical approach is to just treat the symptoms. The belief is these diseases can only be managed and that the patient has no control. The medical model doesn’t see the value in nutrition and therefore gives no thought to the idea that poor nutrition causes many of the diseases they treat. Nor do they consider nutrition as a viable method of treatment. We know this is not true. Nutrition can improve peoples lives!

Whole food supplementation is far superior to the typical reductionist style of nutritional supplements typically utilized. Reductionist nutrition is your typical vitamin A,B,C,D, etc where the nutrients are isolated chemical forms created in a lab. These formulas are missing the phytonutrients, micro nutrients, and minerals that typically surround them in nature.. These surrounding nutrients support the body in absorbing and utilizing what we are consuming in the supplement. When we consume these isolates we have to utilize other resources in our body to process them. Sometimes this depletes those resources or the body is deficient in what is needed to utilize the supplement we are taking making it ineffective. With whole food nutrition we provide those additional surrounding nutrients to process and utilize the desired nutrient without depleting our body. This provides lasting results.
