Energy Protocols

Lack of energy can be very disruptive in life. While there are many different issues that can cause this problem, one of these products can be very helpful. These products cannot make up for large amounts of sleep deprivation but they can help day-to-day.

Energy Boost

Cataplex B-Core

Cataplex® B-Core

Source of naturally occurring B complex vitamins that support the process of energy production. Supports blood sugar, heart rhythm and strength, and proper nerve conduction which all aid in energy production. This product is a great day-to-day addition for some added energy that also works to correct some of the underlying issues.

3-4 tablets, twice daily


Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex

An adaptogenic tonic used to enhance vitality and stamina. Supports mental clarity, cognitive function and energy. Contains Rhodiola Root and Korean Ginseng to improve mental and physical exhaustion. This is a short-term-use product that draws from the body’s energy reserves so it can deplete more over time. It is best used in conjunction with other methods to correct the issues that are causing fatigue or lack of energy.

1 tablet, 1-2x daily


Adrenal Desiccated

Supports endocrine health. Provides short-term adrenal support for immediate energy needs as well as supporting the immune system in times of increased demand. Supports adrenal glands which are important in the body’s natural response to stress and energy metabolism. This product temporarily boosts the function of the adrenals by supplying the whole gland. This will not correct any issues on it’s own, and should be used with Drenamin to correct the underlying adrenal issues.

2 tablets, twice daily

Energy Correction



Promotes healthy adrenal gland function which helps maintain energy and emotional balance.

1 capsule, 3 times daily on an empty stomach