Gut Health Protocols
Digestion is a major problem with many people having low acid production and low bile flow or production. This protocol will support stomach digestion and acid production as well as thin the bile and increase the gall bladder excretion to aid in digestion of fats. Proper digestion is the first step in gut health.
A-F Betafood®
Gallbladder supplement that supports bile production and fat digestion. Supports healthy bowel function.
3 tablets, three times daily
General Gut Health
Your gut health is one of the most overlooked but highly important to your overall health. There are 3 keys to gut health, proper digestion, proper gut flora, and proper elimination. This protocol assists with all threes of these.
Blend of four probiotic strands and two prebiotic fibers to support intestinal health and gut flora. Helps normal bowel consistency and the absorption of calcium and magnesium.
2 tablets per meal
GI Stability®
Supports the GI tract by delivering prebiotic action, providing a healthy gut microbiome and feeding the growth of beneficial bacteria.
2 wafers per meal
Leaky Gut
Leaky gut is a major issue for a lot of people that can be the cause of a lot of other health issues. There are many factors that are involved but this protocol will help along side dietary changes.
Cyruta® Plus
Supports capillary integrity and function by repairing burst, inflamed or ruptured capillaries.
3 tablets, three times daily
Gut Flora Complex
Combines herbs and essential oils to cleanse and support healthy digestive function. Provides relief from mild gastrointestinal discomfort, including bloating and flatulence.
1 softgel, three times daily